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Leader Perspectives

Bruce Cozadd

Recently, Bruce Cozadd, our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, sat down with Wynton Marsalis, Artistic Director of Jazz at Lincoln Center, for a fireside chat where they explored the principles that jazz music and pluralism share, and how to apply them to leadership and citizenry. Bruce reflects on the conversation and how these principles have been brought to life at Jazz Pharmaceuticals. 

In November, our Jazz Association of Women Supporters employee-led Affinity Forum hosted an exciting virtual event for our members to discuss allyship for women, and the various actions we can all take to be an ally to advocate for women and their career development.

Ryan Bovia

At Jazz, National Epilepsy Awareness Month serves as a crucial moment to recognize the importance of raising awareness for patients with severe forms of epilepsy, and how we at Jazz work to continuously provide support for patients and caregivers. 

Kim Sablich

We believe all people, particularly those who live with complex conditions, deserve new and better therapeutic options, and for the approximately 37,000 adult patients who have been diagnosed with idiopathic hypersomnia and are actively seeking care, this launch is a sign of hope the population has yet to see.

In recognition of International Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) Awareness Day, which takes place every year on November 1, we sat down with Dr. Tracy Dixon-Salazar, Executive Director of the LGS Foundation, to discuss the importance of raising awareness of LGS – a developmental brain disorder that frequently evolves from early-life-onset epilepsy – and share her family’s personal journey with the disease. 

Neena Patil

By helping to bridge the gaps that can sometimes occur between academics and companies when conducting clinical translational research, the SU2C Catalyst program embodies the type of multisectoral partnerships that we at Jazz know are integral to addressing some of the largest hurdles in healthcare.