Jazz’s Commitment to ALL Patients: Next Steps in 2021
Since 2012, Jazz has been committed to supporting patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and advancing scientific research and development for this patient population. Jazz was the commercial partner to Porton Biopharma Limited (PBL), the owner and manufacturer of Erwinase, a treatment option for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients with a sensitivity to E. coli-derived asparaginase. In early 2020, PBL announced its decision to move forward with a new partner, Clinigen, to commercialize and distribute Erwinase with effect from January 1, 2021.
Our agreement with PBL ended on December 31, 2020, although we retained the right to sell certain limited inventory in 2021. The last batch made available by PBL to Jazz was distributed in March 2021. The duration of its supply will vary by market. Jazz’s right to distribute Erwinase ceases after this batch. PBL and Clinigen are responsible for all future supply of Erwinase. PBL and Clinigen are progressing a regulatory and supply strategy independent of Jazz, however Jazz has not been made aware of the details of, and cannot speculate about, PBL and Clinigen’s distribution plans for Erwinase in 2021 and beyond.
Jazz remains committed to this patient population and the ALL clinical community and will continue to take all possible steps during the time period that we are responsible for distribution of product to ensure the seamless care of patients.