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Small Cell Lung Cancer: Nothing Small About Jazz and Its Collaborators

As a dedicated supporter of the small cell lung cancer (SCLC) community, Jazz is focused on driving awareness of the fact that there is nothing small or unimportant about SCLC. To support this goal, Jazz and collaborators from the broader healthcare community launched Nothing Small About It (NSAI), a campaign providing solutions to reduce SCLC-related disparities.

The campaign kicked-off with the launch of a first-of-its-kind website in June of 2021 that provides information about the physical, emotional and social experiences for patients and caregivers. The site features videos, articles, and links to programs and services from the leading lung and pan-cancer organizations, who also served as advisors in the program’s development.

Building on the successful launch of this site, Jazz has created the NSAI State Pilot Program with the advocacy community to provide local and regional solutions to reduce disparities, enhance quality of life and improve health outcomes for the most vulnerable communities facing SCLC. As part of this, Jazz is now taking NSAI educational content “on the road” to several regions to elevate awareness about living with SCLC and the progress being made in treatment innovation and support resources. These expansion efforts aim to create significant change and include mobilizing local stakeholders to educate and empower underserved SCLC patients and caregivers to be informed about their disease and treatment options, as well as improve access to existing community resources that support increased levels of overall health and well-being.

“By engaging local thought partners, patient and caregiver communities, public health advocates and policymakers, we can take a multi-pronged approach to increasing awareness about SCLC and the unmet needs of all people impacted by the disease at the local level,” said Abizer Gaslightwala, head of US hematology and oncology.

To kick off local engagement efforts, Jazz joined forces with the Kentucky Lung Cancer Education, Awareness Detection & Survivorship (LEADS) Collaborative to assist in efforts for lung cancer education and awareness throughout the state of Kentucky. Kentucky leads the nation in the incidence and mortality rate from lung cancer each year, with an estimated 4,890 Kentucky residents diagnosed in 2020.

This pilot program will pave the way for new avenues in lung cancer and was celebrated with an in-person event at the Kentucky Statehouse in November 2021. At the event, Governor Andy Beshear presented a proclamation about the importance of lung cancer awareness, research and resources, calling on Kentucky citizens to advocate for additional research in lung cancer, raise awareness for early detection and treatment and empower those impacted by the disease to access education, clinical trials, and emotional support.

“Our vision at Jazz is to bring together local and state-level stakeholders around SCLC education, research, support needs and legislative efforts,” said Neena Patil, chief legal officer and SVP for legal and corporate affairs. Jazz is proud to lay the groundwork for positive change, to draw attention to the unmet needs in SCLC, especially underserved patients. SCLC has a unique community of patients and caregivers, and together, we can amplify our mission, reduce stigma and strengthen support systems.”